
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Fastest Ways to Lose Weight

1. Take the stairs, not the elevator

You probably have heard this one before, but did you give it a try? A good friend of mine lost 15 pounds in a few weeks by just taking the stairs in his apartment building. Depending on the intensity, you will be losing approximately 300 calories for 30 minutes of taking the stairs and you will be improving your heart condition at the same time. Just make sure the stair case you are taking is safe, clean, well illuminated and ventilated to make it a pleasant experience.

2. Don’t look for a close parking spot if you want to lose weight fast

Instead, park further away, and walk! On a weekend, you might even save yourself some time by not driving in circles hoping to find a nice spot close to the mall entrance. Losing weight AND saving time at the same time? Sounds like an easy fast way to lose weight to me!

3. Avoid the middle of the grocery store

That’s where all of the processed foods are. Instead, try to stick to the edges of the grocery store, where the fresh produce, whole grains, and dairy are. I personally love the flower displays and fruit and vegetable sections by the entrance. Fill your shopping cart there and you won’t feel like you need to put more stuff into your cart when approaching the middle aisles. This way you will be able to stock on healthy foods with least calories that will make it easy to lose weight fast. You can also check out 7 Foods with Least Calories for some great food tips.

4. Keep a food journal to start losing weight

Making notes in a small notebook or in your phone to record everything you eat and drink during the day would be a great way to control what you are having on a regular basis. Try it for a week and review your notes. You’ll be able to clearly see all the healthy choices you made and all the things you still need to work on next week to keep losing weight. Not sure where to start? See these awesome tips for keeping a food journal.

5. Prepare your own meals at home, rather than eating out

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Not only you will know that only good fresh ingredients were used to prepare the meal, you will also know that there were no odd unhealthy things like MSG added to your food. Serving sizes at restaurants are 2 to 3 times what they ought to be, and at home you will be able to make sure the portions are of a normal size. Wonder which foods are the best for losing weight fast? See the list of 7 Healthiest Foods for Losing Weight to get the idea.

6. Learn what a serving size is

Another important thing is to know how much food a normal size serving is. A serving of meat or fish should be about the size of a deck of cards. A serving of almost everything else ought to fit in the palm of your hand. And most importantly, if you feel full, do not make yourself eat up everything you have left on your plate. Listen to your body and you will know when it’s the right time to stop.

7. Be easy on bread if you want to lose that weight faster

It’s best to avoid bread altogether, but if you necessarily must have some, opt for whole grain bread, rather than processed white bread. It has fiber and it has way less calories. And it tastes better too! It might take some time to start eating less bread, but once you do, you’ll see that this is probably one of the most effective and fastest ways to lose weight.

8. One of the fastest ways to lose weight – saying “No” to soda

It will be perfect for your weight loss if you stop drinking soda altogether and substitute it with water. However, it’s not an easy habit to break. So if you absolutely can not live without a sweet drink, replace soda with fresh squeezed juice or home made lemonade. Assuming you drink 16 ounces per day, you’ll save more than 43,000 calories a year by ditching the soda.  And what a big improvement for your weight loss progress and overall health that would be!  Some people think they are not putting on weight as they drink diet soda.  But the worst part is, diet soda is even worse than regular soda.  Watch this video by Dr. Mark Hyman to see how diet soda makes you gain even more weight:

9. Ditch the dressing and other salad toppings

Salads with loads of leafy greens are marvelously nutritious and low-cal, unless you cover them in salad dressing and croutons. One of the fastest ways to lose weight is to have as much salad as you can, only substitute the dressing with some vinegar, olive oil or lemon juice. Your body will be spending more energy on digesting these salads than it will be getting out of them, so you’ll be shedding pounds like never before if you start eating a couple of salads without traditional dressings every day.

10. Drink an 8-ounce glass of water before you eat a meal

Try drinking a glass of water 15-20 minutes prior to your meal. This way you will not be dissolving stomach juice you need for a proper digestion, and you will be able to take the edge off your hunger. And as a result you will eat less — what an easy and fast way to lose weight, huh?

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