
Friday, August 12, 2011

Diet plans to lose 10 pounds in two weeks

When you just have to fit into that beautiful dress for the party, wedding, or other special event in your life... or you're impatient to wear your favorite pair of jeans to see some old friends... or you just noticed you've put on a few extra pounds and you can't stand the idea of everything feeling just a little too tight: Losing ten pounds quickly is usually one of the first things you want to do. And believe it or not, it's actually easier to do than you might imagine. You see, losing five or ten pounds quickly is very possible. In fact, most people can do this in just 5-10 days!

Here Are Three Ways You Can Easily Lose 5-10 Pounds Fast:

1.Stop consuming sugar.

For some people, all that's needed is to stop having regular white sugar for a short while. Don't put sugar in your coffee or tea, don't drink sugared sodas, and don't eat sugar-laden foods like doughnuts.If dropping sugar alone doesn't help you start dropping weight, then drop carbs as well: Particularly simple carbs. Carbohydrates turn to sugar in your body, and thus they make you hold onto body weight and fat. Simply by dropping your intake of carbs for a week or two, you can drop as much as 10 pounds in 7 short days.Now how much weight you lose will depend on how much you drop the carbs - and how well your body responds. Some people can limit their carbs to 100 grams a day and still drop weight quickly, while others may need to limit their carbs to just 20 or 30 grams a day. The point is: Limiting your carb intake for a week or two will almost always cause you to lose weight.

2. Go on a juice or vegetable fast. 

Juice usually works best here, because your body doesn't have a lot of fiber andbulk to process. It can simply extract the nourishment it needs from the juice.You need to know though, that juices high in sugar could cause you to not lose weight as quickly. The best way to do a juice fast is to simply drink fresh squeezed lemonade. It's been said that you should sweeten the lemonade with maple syrup instead of sugar or artificial sweetners though, because that adds extra vitamins and minerals your body needs while fasting. You'll also want to take a multi vitamin or herbal combination to help keep your strength up, and to be sure you're not missing any vital nutrients while fasting.If you choose to do a juice fast, it's extremely important to research it first. You can become very sick if you go on a fast for 1-2 weeks, and then try to go back to normal solid foods all at once. You'll need to gradually ease yourself back into normal eating, so be sure to work that part of the process into your plan. You wouldn't want to fast right up to the day of your big event, only to make yourself sick when you try to enjoy yourself.

3. Take an herbal supplement.

An herb like Chickweed for instance, will help curb your appetite. Kelp is an herb that acts like a diurectic: In other words, it helps you shed extra water weight your body may be holding on to. Chlorophyll is an herb that will help your bowels move, and sometimes this alone can help you lose several pounds of weight. You can also expel extra weight through your bowels by taking fiber supplements: Lots of them.
So there you have it: Three easy ways to lose 5-10 pounds quickly - usually in just a week or less. Keep in mind that this weight loss may not be permanent though, because the first week or two of weight loss generally involves losing water weight.

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